1. The relationship of the activation of a voltage-sensitive chloride
conductance [ G(Cl(V))] to the chloride transmembrane equilibrium pote
ntial (E(Cl)) and the consequent role of this conductance in determini
ng the effect of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABA(A)) receptor-medi
ated transmembrane chloride (Cl-) flux were investigated with the use
of whole-cell recordings in the CA1 and dentate gyrus regions of adult
rat hippocampal slice preparations. 2. G(Cl(V)) was inwardly rectifyi
ng, with significant conductance only at membrane potentials more nega
tive than E(Cl). For all tested neuronal Cl- concentrations, the activ
ation of G(Cl(V)) could be described by a Boltzman equation with an av
erage half-activation voltage 15 mV negative to E(Cl), a slope factor
of 14 mV, and a maximum conductance of 5 nS. There was no time-depende
nt inactivation of G(Cl(V)). 3. G(Cl(V)) was modulated by intracellula
r divalent cations. When magnesium was omitted from the electrode solu
tion, the inward rectification of G(Cl(V)) was unchanged, but the maxi
mum amplitude of G(Cl(V)) increased by a factor of 1.7. G(Cl(V)) was b
locked by bath application of 100 mu M zinc (Zn2+), but not when 1-6 m
M ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid
(EGTA) or bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid(BAPTA) were
present in the electrode solution. 4. G(Cl(V)) was increased by 10 mu
M norepinephrine, and by activation of protein kinase A (PKA) with 1
mM 8-bromoadenosine cyclic monophosphate (8-Br cAMP). G(Cl(V)) was blo
cked by activation of protein kinase C(PKC) with 10 mu M phorbol 12,13
-dibutyrate (PdBu) or 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG). 5. G(Cl(V))
was present in all tested CA1 pyramidal neurons but no dentate gyrus
neurons. In standard extracellular solution, the amplitude of G(Cl(V))
was initially negligible but increased with recording time, suggestin
g that under normal conditions Ga-Cl(V) is blocked by an endogenous di
valent cation or downregulated by PKC. 6. In current-clamp recordings,
the steady-state resting membrane potential(RMP) diminished with Cl-
loading, from -73 mV (4 mM electrode Cl-) to -27 mV(131 mM electrode C
l-). When G(Cl(V)) was blocked with PdBu, there was no change in the R
MP with Cl- loading. When electroneutral Cl- transport was blocked, vo
ltage-clamp experiments using electrode Cl- concentrations of 4-131 mM
demonstrated that E(Cl) changed in parallel with the holding potentia
l, but not when G(Cl(V)) was blocked by PdBu. 7. When pyramidal neuron
s were maximally loaded with Cl-, the Cl- driving force was 15 mV, and
GABA(A) receptor-mediated spontaneous and evoked synaptic activity ne
ver triggered action potentials when G(Cl(V)) was upregulated. When G(
Cl(V)) was blocked by PdBu or Zn2+, the Cl- driving force was 48 mV, a
nd GABA(A) receptor activation always triggered action potentials. 8.
G(Cl(V)) is a large, noninactivating, inwardly rectifying Cl- conducta
nce that operates independently of electroneutral Cl- transport to sta
bilize the relationship between E(Cl) and the resting membrane potenti
al. Down-regulation of G(Cl(V)) is thus a necessary condition for exci
tatory GABA(A) receptor-mediated postsynaptic Cl- flux.