Every year in France there are 500,000 hand injuries; the number of in
juries has remained constant over the last ten years and constitutes o
ne-third of all work-related accidents. At the emergency department fo
r hand surgery from Nancy University Hospital the treatment of hand in
juries is the third part of the global activity. There have been signi
ficant advancements in the field of hand surgery in the last twenty ye
ars due to development of mircrosurgical techniques which make it poss
ible to revascularize tissue that otherwise would die. Surgeons who tr
eat hand injuries usually have been trained in the fields of orthopedi
cs, traumatology, plastic surgery, and microsurgery. The improved resu
lts--attributable to new techniques and early treatment-pointed to the
need for organizing emergency services for hand injuries that would o
perate on a 24-hour basis. In 1979, a group of French surgeons founded
the Federation of Emergency Treatment of Hand Injuries that today rep
resents 27 centers in France and 19 others in countries of the Europea
n Community. These emergency wards work in conjunction with other cent
ers dealing with emergency service, e.g., the Fire Department, Ambulan
ce service, Industrial Medicine, etc... Over a period of 15 years, the
benefits reaped from treating these injuries as true emergencies (les
s than 6 hours ischemia) based on the principle of Immediate Repair wi
th Early Mobilization (IREM) are both functional and social in nature
: in 90 % of cases, the patient resumes professional and economic acti
vity and the rate of partial disability is 30 % lower than that observ
ed in cases treated in non-specialized centers. Given these results th
at are acknowledged by all who work in emergency service in general, w
e think that emergency wards for hand injuries should be an integral p
art of the overall plan coordinating emergency services in France.