This AIDS virus is transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids b
etween an infected person and an uninfected person, and the sharing of
needles by IV drug users has been o ne of the primary means of transm
ission. The incidence of infection by this method has increased in the
world, and in the inner cities of the United States has been a partic
ular problem. Infected drug users also transmit the disease to their s
exual partners and to their unborn children. Educational efforts have
been directed at changing the behavior of drug users to reduce their s
haring of needles, and some cities have tried handing out free needles
. Such efforts, of course, run counter to the admonition not to use dr
ugs at all, but health professionals believe changing behavior is the
most important way of attacking the disease. While transmission of the
HIV virus through IV drug abuse remains a significant problem, there
is evidence that the educational efforts have been working and that, i
n some areas at least, behaviors have been changed and the risk has be
en reduced.