Mice of different lines, with or without superovulation were used as d
onors or recipients for embryo transfer experiments. The influence of
different parameters was investigated: Number of plug-positive animals
after pairing, embryo recovery at days 1 and 4 p.c., transfer of embr
yos (untreated and after injection) into the oviducts or uteri of preg
nant or pseudopregnant recipients, as well as transfer into the uterus
of in vitro cultured embryos. The birth rates after uterine transfer
ranged from 27.5% (controls) and 15.3% (for embryos which were injecte
d with liposomes). Embryos from the NMRI female x C57Bl male crossing
were more vital than embryos from the C57Bl 9 x NMRI male crossing, wh
en transferred into NMRI-recipients, although the survival rates of th
e in vitro culture were inversed. Embryos from superovulated donors ga
ve lower birth rates than those from untreated. Transfer of in vitro d
eveloped injected C57Bl zygotes (injected) gave lower birth rates (10.
1%) than those which were immediately transferred into the oviduct. Bi
rth rates after transfer into pseudopregnant recipients (oviduct) were
16.7% for embryos injected with DNA and 30.3% for controls, and after
transfer in pregnant animals 18.5% and 40.8%, respectively.