Our study aimed at comparatively examining the validity of transesopha
geal echocardiography (TEE) in the imaging of cardial sources of embol
ism in patients with transitional cerebral ischaemics (TIA and PRIND)
and manifest cerebral infarcts. A total of 115 patients underwent TEE,
50 patients (43,5%) had a TIA or PRIND, 65 patients (56,5%) a cerebra
l infarct within 2 weeks before examination. 89 patients (77.4%, group
I) without anamnestic, clinical or electrocardiographic indication of
cardial prediseases were opposite to 26 patients (22.6%, group II) wi
th cardial prediseases. Potential embolic heart-diseases could be show
n by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in 3,5%, by TEE in 19.2%. Th
e results emphasize the relevance of TEE in patients with cerebral inf
arct showing cardial symptoms, cardial diseases respectively, accordin
g to anamnestic clinical or echocardiographical data.