Tussometry is a new non-invasive technique for objectively assessing l
aryngeal function by analysis of the airflow waveform produced by a ma
ximum effort voluntary cough manoeuvre. We describe the technique and
present She calibration data. The tussometer has been calibrated for f
lows of up to 1100 litre min(-1) using a flowmeter with a quoted accur
acy of +/- 1.75%. The variables measured (cough peak flow rate (CPFR)
and peak velocity time (PVT)) were found to be reproducible; the withi
n-subject variability for CPFR was found so be 23.9% and for PVT 9%. T
here was no inter-observer variation. We found that the size of the ma
sk used did not influence the readings obtained, providing an adequate
seal was achieved.