Let G be a graph on the vertex set V = {x(1),...,x(n)}. Let k be a fie
ld and let R be the polynomial ring k[x(1),...,x(n)]. The graph ideal
I(G), associated to G, is the ideal of R generated by the set of squar
e-free monomials x(i)x(j) so that x(i) is adjacent to x(j). The graph
G is Cohen-Macaulay over k if R/I(G) is a Cohen-Macaulay ring. Let G b
e a Cohen-Macaulay bipartite graph. The main result of this paper show
s that G\{nu} is Cohen-Macaulay for some vertex nu in G. Then as a con
sequence it is shown that the Reisner-Stanley simplicial complex of I(
G) is shellable. An example of N. Terai is presented showing these res
ults fail for Cohen-Macaulay non bipartite graphs.