To determine the prevalence of a positive scaphoid shift in an uninjur
ed population, 100 patients presenting with symptoms unrelated to trau
ma or wrist instability underwent physical and radiographic evaluation
. On physical examination, the scaphoid shirt maneuver was performed b
ilaterally, and generalized ligamentous laxity was assessed using stan
dard criteria. Standard x-ray films were inspected for carpal abnormal
ities, and the radiolunate and scapholunate angles were measured. The
prevalence of a positive scaphoid shift was 32%; the shirt was painles
s in all patients. Fourteen patients had a unilateral scaphoid shift.
Patients with a positive scaphoid shirt had increased generalized liga
mentous laxity manifested by a decreased average thumb-to-forearm dist
ance and an increased mean flexion-extension are. A positive shift was
not correlated with radiographic carpal malalignment.