The bremsstrahlung component of the decay scheme of beta emitters has
been traditionally ignored in internal dosimetry calculations. Methods
: We have estimated the radiation dose from the bremsstrahlung compone
nt of the decay scheme of Y-90 as a function of distance from a point
source in a liquid medium and to body organs from distributed sources
of Y-90 in the liver and spleen. Results: These estimates agree with m
easurements of bremsstrahlung dose measured in a Rando phantom, and gi
ve an estimate of the importance of this contribution to the overall d
osimetry. Conclusions: The bremsstrahlung radiation absorbed dose cont
ribution from an organ to itself is very small compared to that from t
he beta dose, but the contribution to other organs is not always negli
gible, especially when large amounts of Y-90 may be involved, as in th
erapy applications.