In 1992, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) determ
ined that sufficient evidence existed to classify sulfuric acid mists
as a human carcinogen, based primarily on six human studies. Possible
mechanisms include irritation of epithelial cells in conjunction with
cigarette smoking, or a direct genotoxic effect due to a modification
of cellular pH. We have followed 1,031 men exposed to acid mists in th
e steel industry in the United States, via mailed questionnaire and te
lephone interview, extending by 10 years a prior follow-up of this coh
ort. These workers averaged 9.2 years of exposure, with an average fir
st year of exposure of 1949. The primary exposure was to sulfuric acid
mist, although part of the cohort was exposed to other acid mists. Fo
urteen laryngeal cancers were observed in the cohort compared with 5.6
expected based on US rates, with follow-up through 1994. A 14 percent
upward adjustment in expected cancers due to differences in tobacco a
nd alcohol consumption led to 6.4 laryngeal cancers expected, yielding
a rate ratio of 2.2 (95 percent confidence interval = 1.2-3.7). Our f
indings are consistent with previous findings from this cohort and fro
m most other studies, and tend to confirm IARC's classification of aci
d mists as a human carcinogen. The occupational exposures of this coho
rt were at least an order of magnitude higher than usual ambient expos
ures in urban air.