Lf. Porta et al., ATOMIC-ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY DETERMINAT ION OF TUNGSTEN .3. ORES AND CONCENTRATES ANALYSIS, Anales de la Asociacion Quimica Argentina, 82(2), 1994, pp. 85-90
A method for tungsten determination in ores and concentrates by atomic
absorption spectrometry in aqueous medium has been developed. The sam
ple is fused with potassium hydrogen sulfate and dissolved during heat
ing with tartaric and phosphoric acid solutions. The W is determined a
t 255.1 nm. in nitrous oxide-acetylene flame by applying the method of
standard additions. The average obtained by atomic absorption spectro
metry shows confidence intervals variable between +/- 0.02 and +/- 0.0
7 and relative standard deviations between 0.021 and 0.034.