This progress report is based on investigations of the tectonometamorp
hic development of crystalline complexes and is restricted to a few ke
y problems of the Hellenides: 1. 'Hinterland'. Rhodopia is strongly af
fected by Alpidic metamorphism, granitoid intrusions, orogenic deforma
tion and intracrustal delamination. Therefore, close relations between
the Balkanides and Hellenides have to be considered. 2. External zone
s. The Phyllite-Quartzite Series probably originated in a Late Palaeoz
oic rift within Apulia. In Middle Triassic times rifting stopped and t
he area became the basement on an extended carbonate platform (Late Tr
iassic-Liassic). From the Dogger to Palaeocene, parts of that platform
subsided, forming the Ionian pelagic basin. The Eocene orogenesis wit
hin the central Hellenides then caused an inversion of the buried Phyl
lite-Quartzite rift zone, whereas from the Late Oligocene onwards the
previous rift zone underwent continental (A-) subduction. Finally, upl
ift of the Phyllite-Quartzite Series and nappe emplacement started in
Miocene times. 3. Late orogenic intracrustal shearing. Structural anal
yses of crystalline complexes of Attica have shown that neotectonic ex
tension and the large vertical displacement of the Aegean region were
caused by low angle faulting and large-scale.shearing within the deepe
r crust, probably along former overthrust planes. These results reveal
the mechanisms of intracratonic tectonics, remobilization of continen
tal crust and intracrustal detachment throughout the evolution of the