144 patients with post-traumatic wrist pain but normal standard radiog
raphs were examined by wrist arthroscopy. Ligamentous lesions were obs
erved in 75 patients. TFCC lesions, classified according to the Palmer
classification and including lunato-triquetral interosseous ligament
lesions, were seen in 61, and scapho-lunate interosseous ligament lesi
ons in 14 patients, Degenerative TFCC changes were equally common in p
atients younger than 40 years of age but significantly more common wit
h more than 2 years duration of symptoms. Varying degrees of instabili
ty were noted in patients with scapho-lunate interosseous ligament les
ions but no associated ligament lesions were observed. Because of the
variety of pathological changes arthroscopy is recommended in the mana
gement of patients with post-traumatic wrist pain.