The venoms of seven species of scorpions living in different regions o
f Brazil were analysed with regard to their lethality, antigenic cross
-reactivity and ability to induce antibody production. In mice, the te
sted scorpion venoms can be grouped as: (a) highly toxic: Tityus stigm
urus Thorell (LD(50) = 0.773 mg/kg), Tityus bahiensis (Perty) (LD(50)
= 1.062 mg/kg), Tityus serrulatus Lutz and Mello (LD(50) = 1.160 mg/kg
), and Tityus costatus (Karsch) (LD(50) = 1.590 mg/kg), (b) moderately
toxic: Tityus cambridgei Pocock (LD(50) = 12.136mg/kg); and (c) pract
ically nontoxic: Rhopalurus agamemnon (Koch) (LD(50) = 36.363 mg/kg),
and Brotheas amazonicus Lourenco (LD(50) = 90.909 mg/kg). On electroph
oresis the venoms showed many protein bands displayed along the chroma
togram, most of them cross-reacting in immunoelectrophoresis and immun
oblotting using horse anti-T. serrulatus, anti-T. bahiensis or anti-T.
serrulatus + T. bahiensis sera as probes. The antibodies present in t
hese antivenoms combine with venom components as measured in vitro by
the ELISA assay, and neutralize their lethal effects in vivo. These re
sults indicate that horse antivenoms against a mixture of T. serrulatu
s and T. bahiensis venoms or only against T. serrulatus venom yield an
antibody population able to neutralize the toxic effects found in all
venoms studied.