Gamete interaction triggers a variety of responses within the egg, col
lectively referred to as egg activation. In addition to the hallmarks
of calcium release and fertilization envelope elevation, there are cyt
oskeletal rearrangements, protein tyrosine phosphorylation, and an inc
rease in pH, among others. The ultimate goal of these concerted activa
tion events is entry of the newly fertilized egg into the cell cycle.
However, the molecular mechanisms which promote downstream cell activa
tion events remain poorly understood. One model suggests that sperm de
liver an ''activating factor'' upon fusion with the egg plasma membran
e, while a second model proposes that the egg receptor for sperm trans
duces a signal that mediates a cascade of subsequent events. It also i
s possible that multiple pathways are activated. As a first step towar
d testing the hypothesis of receptor-mediated signal transduction, we
have investigated the tyrosine phosphorylation state of the sea urchin
egg receptor for sperm using specific antibodies. The present work in
dicates that the sperm receptor is phosphorylated by an egg cortical t
yrosine kinase in response to sperm or purified ligand (bindin) bindin
g. Maximal phosphorylation was reached within 20 sec. These data suppo
rt the hypothesis that the sperm receptor is a gamete recognition prot
ein which responds to ligand binding and focus attention on the questi
on of the role of this tyrosine phosphorylation signal in egg activati
on. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.