Literature relevant to the art of nursing is immensely diverse and fra
gmented. This state is problematic in that progress in understanding n
ursing art cannot be made until the subject of nursing art is clearly
delineated. In light of the need for conceptual clarity regarding nurs
ing art, a dialectical study was undertaken to identify the distinct c
onceptions of nursing art that are represented in the nursing literatu
re. The examined discourse was that contained in the works of 41 nursi
ng scholars published between 1860 and 1992. The analysis revealed fiv
e distinct conceptualizations that can be identified as the art of (1)
grasping meaning in patient encounters, (2) establishing a meaningful
connection with the patient, (3) skillfully performing nursing activi
ties, (4) rationally determining an appropriate course of nursing acti
on, and (5) morally conducting one's nursing practice.