The most preferred residue in the substrates of human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV-1) protease is glutamic acid in the P2' position. The cata
lytic importance of this charged residue has been studied to obtain a
detailed insight into the mechanism of action, which will promote drug
design to combat the virus. To this end, we have synthesized Lys-Ala-
Arg-Val-LeuPhe(NO2)-Glu-Ala-Nle (substrate E) and its counterpart con
taining the neutral Gln (substrate Q) in place of Glu. Kinetic analyse
s have shown that the specificity rate constants (k(cat)/K-m) display
bell-shaped pH dependencies for both substrates, but the pH-independen
t limiting value is 35-40-fold higher with substrate E than with subst
rate Q. In contrast to the pH-rate profiles of k(cat)/K-m, there is a
striking difference between the pH dependencies of K-m and k(cat) for
the two substrates. This indicates different ground state and transiti
on state stabilizations in the two reactions. Solvent kinetic deuteriu
m isotope effects show that the rate-limiting step for the hydrolysis
of substrate E is a chemical step coupled with proton transfer whereas
with substrate Q it is a physical step, presumably a conformational c
hange. Accordingly, the charged residue in P2' alters the rate-limitin
g step and the nature of the enzyme-substrate complex, resulting in di
fferent mechanisms for the two substrates.