Zero field muon spin rotation and magnetic susceptibility experiments
on investigation of magnetic properties of cuprate Y2Cu2O5 have been p
erformed in the temperature range 4.2-30 K. Transverse field muSR-expe
riments have been also carried out in order to obtain accurate informa
tion about transition temperature and to study the influence of the ex
ternal magnetic field. Our data show that two magnetic phase transitio
ns occur in Y2Cu2O5 with lowering temperature. Upper Neel temperature
T(N) = 13 K is consistent with previous experimental data. We obtained
the temperature dependence of the local magnetic field on the muon B(
mu)(T) in the antiferromagnetic phase. B(mu)(T) reveals a peculiarity
(some change of the slope) near the temperature T(N) = 7.5 K, which ca
n be interpreted as an additional magnetic phase transition caused by
a change in magnetic ordering of the copper subsystem. Applying a smal
l external magnetic field 50 Oe leads to smearing of the peculiarity i
n B(mu)(T) dependence.