A simple geometrical identity, called the adjoint join formula, is int
roduced. It allows one to simplify the computation of the volumes of s
ome unions of simple solid objects such as spheres and polyhedra. It i
nvolves cones and a generalization of a cone, called a join. In order
to apply the adjoint join formula it is necessary to first compute the
surface of the object. The volume of an object is equal to a cone of
the object's surface over some point. This cone is the sum of the cone
s of each face of the surface over the point. The computation of the v
olume of each of these cones can sometimes be simplified by applying t
he adjoint join formula. The adjoint join formula states that if two g
eometrical objects in space have dimensions that sum to three, then th
e join of the boundary of the first object with the second object is e
qual to the join of the first object with the boundary of the second o
bject (up to sign). There are occasions when the volume of the first j
oin is difficult to compute, but the volume of the second join is easy
to compute, so applying the adjoint join formula simplifies the volum
e computation. The method is applied to the union of a group of sphere
s. This provides a simple way to compute the volume of a molecule anal
ytically, provided that one can compute its van der Waals surface anal
ytically. This is not the first analytical and exact method to compute
the volume of a hard-sphere representation of a molecule, but it is c
onceptually the simplest.