Campbell Island, situated in the middle of the belt of southern ocean
gales, experiences a mean windspeed above that at which sea spray form
s. Ionic concentration and related parameters were measured in precipi
tation collected throughout a year along a transect of rain gauges ext
ending inland from the windward. westerly coast and up to the highest
point on the island (558 m). Concentrations decreased logarithmically
away from the coast and varied between seasons. Seasonal variation was
correlated with the frequency of gales. The calculated annual input o
f ions ranged from 2507 kg ha-1 yr-1 Na at 50 m from the windward coas
t to 187 kg ha-1 yr-1 Na at 5500 m from the windward coast. The high v
alues are related to the exposure of the collection points and to the
latitude, and hence climate, of Campbell Island. Marked spatial variat
ions in ionic input have a controlling influence on floristic structur
e and productivity patterns of subantarctic vegetation. This is consis
tent with the dominance of the maritime factor in explaining the prima
ry axes of vegetation ordination.