Enzyme activities were determined in fibroblast cell cultures of eight
patients suspected of having a type of sphingolipidosis. The patients
were 0 to 4 years of age; four were female and four were male. Thirte
en age-matched controls were also included in the study. In one of the
cases, hexosaminidase A activity was found to be 0% (43-82%), while i
n two other cases beta-galactosidase activity was found to be 5 nmol/h
/mg protein (100-1035 nmol/h/mg protein) and arylsulfatase activity wa
s found to be 12 nmol/h/mg protein (106-990 nmol/h/mg protein), respec
tively. Two more enzymes, is-proportional-to-galactosidase (11-39 nmol
/h/mg protein) and cerebroside beta-galactosidase (3.7-6.9 nmol/h/mg p
rotein), were also evaluated but were found to be in the normal ranges
in these patients. Therefore, these patients were considered to have
Tay-Sachs disease, GM1 gangliosidosis and metachromatic leukodystrophy
, respectively. The remaining five patients were normal in respect to
the five enzyme activities determined. For the prenatal diagnosis of m
etachromatic leukodystrophy, arylsulfatase A activity was determined i
n one amniotic cell culture. The activity found in this case was lower
than normal (34 nmol/h/mg protein versus 387 nmol/h/mg protein found
in three control amniotic cell cultures).