An osmotic resistance test (ORT) was developed for bull semen. Raw sem
en was incubated for 40-60 min at 35-degrees-C in a fructose/sodium ci
trate solution with an osmolarity of 150 mOsm kg-1. Semen processed in
skim milk, egg yolk and glycerol diluent was mixed 1:4 with a similar
solution at 100 mOsm kg-1. On examination with a phase contrast micro
scope (x 400), cells with intact membranes were swollen. Some of these
showed residual activity, i.e. a non-progressive flickering of the mi
d-piece. The proportion (%) of cells showing this activity was taken a
s the test result. Repeatability was 0.85 for raw semen and 0.93 for p
ost-thaw. Over 401 ejaculates from 80 bulls (three straws per ejaculat
e), 51.2% of variation was due to bull, 33.7% to ejaculate within bull
and 15.1% to straw within ejaculate. Five or six ejaculates from year
ling Holstein/Friesian bulls were used for a fertility trial. Each was
ORT tested post-thaw and two groups of ejaculates formed for each bul
l according to ORT result. Friesian/Holstein cows were inseminated and
49-day non-return rates (NRR) obtained for each group. Raw ORT correl
ated with post-thaw ORT (r = 0.56), but not with NRR (r = 0.08). Over
a series of 48 bulls, the post-thaw ORT:NRR correlation was 0.37, but
after removing bull effects a correlation of 0.79 was obtained. As the
method is simple and rapid, it shows promise as a routine assessment
technique in commercial AI laboratories.