Implicit to all models for mitotic spindle assembly is the view that c
entrosomes are essentially permanent structures, Yet, immunofluorescen
ce revealed that spindles in larval brains of urchin mutants in Drosop
hila were frequently monastral but bipolar; the astral pole contained
a centrosome while the opposing anastral pole showed neither gamma tub
ulin nor a radial array of astral microtubules, Thus, mutations in the
urchin gene seem to uncouple centrosome organization and spindle bipo
larity in mitotic cells, Hypomorphic mutants showed a high frequency o
f monastral bipolar spindles but low frequencies of polyploidy, sugges
ting that monastral bipolar spindles might be functional, To test this
hypothesis, we performed pedigree analysis of centrosome distribution
and spindle structure in the four mitotic divisions of genial cells.
Prophase genial cells showed two centrosomes, suggesting cells entered
mitosis with the normal number of centrosomes and that centrosomes se
parated during prophase, Despite a high frequency of monastral bipolar
spindles, the end products of the four mitotic divisions were equival
ent in size and chromatin content, These results indicate that monastr
al bipolar spindles are functional and that the daughter cell derived
from the anastral pole can assemble a functional bipolar spindle in th
e subsequent cell cycle, Cell proliferation despite high frequencies o
f monastral bipolar spindles can be explained if centrosome structure
in mitotic cells is dynamic, allowing transient and benign disorganiza
tion of pericentriolar components. Since urchin proved to be allelic t
o KLP61F which encodes a kinesin related motor protein (Heck et al, (1
993) J. Cell Biol, 123, 665-671), our results suggest that motors infl
uence the dynamic organization of centrosomes.