The six enzymes required for catabolism of protocatechuate to succinat
e and acetylCoA are encoded by the pen genes in the Gram(-) bacterium,
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. The clustered A. calcoaceticus cat genes
encode an analogous set of enzymes associated with the metabolic diss
imilation of catechol. The nucleotide (nt) sequences of pcaIJFB and pc
aK, reported here, complete evidence showing that all of the pen struc
tural genes are tightly grouped in the order pcaIJFBDKCHG within a sin
gle operon. The pcaIJF region is nearly identical in nt sequence to th
e A. calcoaceticus catIJF region which exhibits a G+C content and a co
don usage pattern exceptional for A. calcoaceticus. In contrast, pcaD,
pcaC, pcaH and pcaG have diverged substantially from their evolutiona
ry counterparts in the cat region; all of these divergent genes exhibi
t G+C contents and codon usage patterns that are typical for A. calcoa
ceticus. The pcaIJF and catIJF regions are known to exchange DNA seque
nce information, and this property may have contributed to their nt se
quence conservation. The pcaK gene has no counterpart among known cat
genes. The deduced amino-acid sequence of PcaK indicates that it may b
e a transmembrane protein associated with transport.