Tardive dystonia is a form of tardive dyskinesia for which there is li
ttle satisfactory treatment. We reviewed our experience at four moveme
nt disorder centers in the treatment of tardive dystonia with botulinu
m toxin A (BTX-A). Thirty-four patients with relatively localized tard
ive dystonia unresponsive to oral medications were treated with inject
ions of BTX-A into dystonic muscles. Cervical dystonia was the most fr
equent manifestation of tardive dystonia in this group of patients. Th
ere was marked or moderate improvement in 29 of 34 patients. Eighteen
of 24 patients with cervical dystonia showed either marked or moderate
improvement. In this retrospective review, BTX-A provided useful symp
tomatic treatment for localized dystonia in patients with tardive dyst
onia unresponsive to other treatment. A controlled, prospective trial
of BTX-A in tardive dystonia is warranted.