The surface of a hot dipped Galfan (Zn-5wt.%Al-mischmetal) coating on
sheet steel was characterized with the use of various microscopy techn
iques. Surface depressions, or dents, were found to occur at eutectic
nodule boundaries and triple points, and were typically 10-15mum deep.
The surface characteristics of the Galfan coating were reproduced by
the solidification of Zn-5%Al-mischmetal alloy samples on an inert sub
strate, implying that surface depressions are not caused by substrate
interactions. Chemical analyses of both the coating and the alloy samp
les indicate that impurities, particularly lead, are strongly segregat
ed to eutectic nodule boundaries and triple points. Based on these obs
ervations, a mechanism for denting and cracking in Galfan coatings is