Existing long-term cotton experiments established in 1976 with minimum
and intensive herbicide programs were subdivided in 1985 and 1986 to
determine the longevity of fluometuron and trifluralin soil residues a
fter discontinuing herbicide application. In monoculture cotton, seed
cotton yield increased when herbicide use was discontinued in 1985 and
1986 after 9 and 10 yr of continuous use, respectively, on a Sharkey
silty clay and a Dundee silt loam soil. Yield increases coincided with
reductions of fluometuron and trifluralin soil residues. Fluometuron
dissipated from the Dundee silt lown soil by 10 mo after the last appl
ication but was present in the Sharkey silty clay soil at 0.20 ppmw af
ter 28 mo. Trifluralin did not totally dissipate from either soil, and
low levels were present in the Dundee (0.05 ppmw) and Sharkey (0.13 p
pmw) soils 30 mo after the last application. Visual injury to fall-see
ded wheat and vetch decreased as herbicide residues dissipated. Fall t
illage had no significant effect on the rate of fluometuron or triflur
alin dissipation from either soil but reduced seed cotton yields.