There are very few reports on the involvement of bacterial proteinases
on the blood clotting system using both human plasma and purified clo
tting factors. We studied whether microbial proteinases from the oppor
tunistic pathogens Candida albicans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serrat
ia marcescens activate the blood clotting cascade by using normal huma
n plasma, human plasmas deficient in clotting factor XII or X, and als
o by using purified clotting factors XII, X and prothrombin. All prote
inases tested activated either clotting factor XII or prothrombin in v
itro, thus resulting in generation of thrombin. Clotting factor X was
converted to the active form (Xa) by both Candida and Pseudomonas prot
einases, but not by Serratia proteinase. These results suggest that pe
ripheral and systemic blood circulation may be impaired by activation
of the blood clotting cascade by microbial infections, especially in s
eptic patients, which would enhance disseminated intravascular coagula
tion and multi-organ failure.