Spontaneous and Bacillus anthracis induced luminol-dependent chemilumi
nescence of neutrophils was studied in six patients with the cutaneous
form of anthrax. Spontaneous chemiluminescence in anthrax was decreas
ed compared to the healthy controls (p<0.05). B. anthracis, opsonized
by complement-containing sera from patients, induced chemiluminescence
in neutrophils from control donors but not from patients. B. anthraci
s, opsonized by complement-free sera from the patients, did not cause
an increase in chemiluminescence response in either the patient or the
control neutrophils. Also, B. anthracis, opsonized with normal sera a
nd nonopsonized, did not induce chemiluminescence in either patient or
control neutrophils. It was concluded that oxidative metabolism by ne
utrophils is impaired in anthrax, whereas the functional capacity of a
ntibodies seems to be unaffected.