All boundary systems of the Zr-Mo-Pd system show at least one eutectic
. This indicates the existence of low melting temperature (approximate
ly 1000-degree-C) eutectic alloys in this ternary system, and is there
fore directly related to the possibility of glass formation. Some amor
phous and microcrystalline ternary samples were prepared via rapid sol
idification (approximately 10(6) K s-1) in a splat cooling apparatus w
ith a radio freuqency levitation coil and a high velocity two piston a
rrangement driven by solenoids. To obtain the starting material, homog
eneous Zr-Mo-Pd samples of differing composition were prepared via arc
melting techniques. Some amorphous alloys have also been obtained in
the Zr-Pd-(Si,B) systems.