In 1994, the American Fisheries Society (AFS) adopted a revised Strate
gic Plan. The plan, published in Fisheries (November 1994), was prepar
ed by an ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee with assistance from a pr
ofessional consultant. Its goal was to provide three- to five-year gui
dance to the officers, staff, and Governing Board for positioning AFS
to be effective and efficient at addressing issues of importance to th
e membership. For each governing year (between Society annual meetings
), the Strategic Plan is translated into an implementation plan called
the annual program of work. The program of work is drafted by the Soc
iety's president-elect with the help of a Program Development Committe
e and the incoming leadership of the Society's Divisions, Chapters, an
d Sections (collectively called units) and Committees. The programs of
work are structured according to the outline of the Strategic Plan, w
ith highlights of special needs, priorities, or new directions. This d
ocument also establishes a mid-course evaluation of our progress towar
d meeting the goals of the Strategic Plan.