One of the major problems faced by conservation biologists is the allo
cation of scarce resources to an overwhelmingly large number of specie
s in need of preservation efforts. Both demographic and genetic inform
ation have been brought to bear on this problem; however, the role of
information obtained from genetic markers has largely been limited to
the characterization of gene frequencies and patterns of diversity. Wh
ile the genetic consequences of rarity may be a contributing factor to
endangerment, it is widely recognized that demographic factors often
may be more important. Because patterns of genetic marker variation ar
e influenced by the same demographic factors of interest to the conser
vation biologist, it is possible to extract useful demographic informa
tion from genetic marker data. Such an approach may be productive for
determining plant mating systems, inbreeding depression, effective pop
ulation size, and metapopulation structure. In many cases, however, da
ta consisting only of marker frequencies are inadequate for these purp
oses. Development of genealogical based analytical methods coupled wit
h studies of DNA sequence variation within and among populations is li
kely to yield the most information on demographic processes from genet
ic marker data. Indeed, in some cases it may be the only means of obta
ining information on the long-term demographic properties that may be
most useful for determining the future prospects of a species of inter