To examine whether structural changes in hepatocytes and/or sinusoidal
areas contribute to the portal hypertensive state in non-alcoholic ci
rrhosis, a new method of morphometric analysis using a computer-aided
color image analyzer was performed in 16 patients with non-alcoholic c
irrhosis, which allowed quantitative evaluation of various morphometri
c parameters of sinusoids and hepatocytes. The sinusoidal pressure gra
dient was estimated theoretically with these and clearance parameters
using Poiseulle's equation and compared with the hepatic venous pressu
re gradient measure by hepatic vein cannulation. A significant relatio
nship was found between the hepatic venous pressure gradient and sinus
oidal volumetric ratio (r=-0.598, p<0.05), but not between mean hepato
cyte volume and sinusoidal volumetric ratio (r=0.416, NS), or the hepa
tic venous pressure gradient (r=0.371, NS). The estimated sinusoidal p
ressure gradient showed a significant relationship with the hepatic ve
nous pressure gradient (r=0.637, p<0.01). However, the absolute values
of the former were much lower than those of the latter. Therefore, in
non-alcoholic cirrhosis, although sinusoidal stenosis not caused by h
epatocyte swelling may lead to increased vascular resistance, other fa
ctors must also play a significant role. (C) Journal of Hepatology.