in recent years, ultrasound has become established as part of the diag
nostic evaluation of breast tumours. Not replacing, but complementing
mammography, ultrasonic investigations increasingly represent a sensit
ive means of early diagnosis. Thermography, on the other hand, has pro
ved of relatively little value and doesn't play a significant role tod
ay. Lately, Colour Doppler sonography has been used for differentiatin
g tumour-associated blood supply patterns - however, sensitivity and s
pecificity were not as high as initially expected. Colour spectrum ana
lysis of local findings in comparison to the remaining glandular tissu
e, however, seems to be a promising method in the differentiation of u
ltrasound findings of uncertain tumour status. A fibroadenoma shows no
significantly different colour density as compared to surrounding tis
sue. In carcinoma, on the other hand, one regularly finds a hyperinten
sive zone with sharp margins. In 70 patients, who had breast tumours,
we attempted the differentiation of benign and malignant findings with
the help of colour spectrum analysis. Postoperatively, these results
were validated by histology. With the exception of one mesenchymal tum
our, the Doppler diagnosis was identical to the histopathological find