The welfare state has fostered a large volume of academic investigatio
n but the core of its scholarship has been on the relationship between
class forces and different systems of welfare. The possibility of a g
ender effect does not appear to have seriously troubled the minds of m
ainstream scholars in this domain. As a result, gender as a structurin
g principle of welfare systems remains under-explored. This paper unde
rtakes a gender-focused analysis of a key aspect of welfare provision
- income maintenance policies. The British welfare state is a useful s
ite of analysis - at one stage an exemplary model of welfare provision
, now a 'laggard' among its European neighbours. To identify the gende
r dimension of British income maintenance policies, we go back as far
as the 1830s for the new Poor Law. From then we trace female and male
access to welfare income, in the process considering how women and men
have been constructed by public income-support policies.