Linear and nonlinear transport through ct quantum dot that is weakly c
oupled to ideal quantum leads is investigated in the parameter regime
where charging and geometrical quantization effects coexist. The exact
eigenstates and spins elf a finite number of correlated electrons con
fined within the dot are combined with a rate equation. The current is
calculated in the regime of sequential tunnelling. The analytic solut
ion far an Anderson impurity is given, The phenomenological charging m
odel is compared with the quantum mechanical model for interacting ele
ctrons. The current-voltage characteristics show Coulomb blockade. The
excited states lead to additional fine-structure in the current volta
ge characteristics. Asymmetry in the coupling between the quantum dot
and the leads causes asymmetry in the conductance peaks which is rever
sed with the bias voltage. The spin selection rules can cause a 'spin
blockade' which decreases the current when certain excited states beco
me involved in the transport. In two-dimensional dots, peaks in the li
near conductance can be suppressed at tow temperatures, when the total
spins of the corresponding ground states differ by more than 1/2. In
a magnetic Field, an electron number parity effect due to the differen
t spins of the many-electron ground states is predicted in addition to
the vanishing of the spin blockade effect. All of the predicted featu
res are consistent with recent experiments.