Juxtapapillary subretinal neovascular membranes developed in both eyes
of a patient who had been treated for Goodpasture's syndrome for 4 ye
ars. These lesions caused visual impairment but were successfully trea
ted by laser photocoagulation. Subretinal neovascularisation has not b
een reported before in association with Goodpasture's syndrome, but di
verse ocular abnormalities have been described. It is not certain whet
her these lesions were caused by anti-basement-membrane auto-antibodie
s. The eyes of 13 other patients with Goodpasture's syndrome were exam
ined, in order to detect other unsuspected ocular pathology. In 1 furt
her patient, both retinae contained a few unexplained superficial reti
nal haemorrhages. During follow-up, the original patient developed bil
ateral peripheral retinoschisis. From this short series and from cases
previously described, we conclude that sight-threatening ocular abnor
malities are rare in Goodpasture's syndrome. It is, however, particula
rly important to be aware of the possibility of treatable eye disease
in Goodpasture's syndrome, since the introduction of effective treatme
nt with immunosuppression and plasmapheresis has made long-term surviv
al likely.