Allozyme and chloroplast (cpDNA) variation was examined in five Italia
n and two Greek populations of Pinus leucodermis Ant. to estimate leve
ls of genetic variability within and among populations and to establis
h the usefulness of allozyme and cpDNA markers in the taxonomic classi
fication of these populations. Twenty-three isozyme gene loci were ana
lysed, as well as restriction fragment length polymorphisms at two cpD
NA spacer regions between tRNA genes. The level of genetic variability
tended to be lower in the Greek populations but overall the observed
levels of allozyme variation within and among populations were similar
to those of other conifers. Identical cpDNA amplification and restric
tion patterns were observed among all individuals sampled from the sev
en populations. Taken together, the results of the allozyme and cpDNA
analyses indicate that all seven populations belong to the same biolog
ical species.