The purpose of this case-control investigation was to investigate the
possible association between mile-to moderate enamel fluorosis and exp
osure during early childhood to infant formula, fluoride toothpaste, a
nd/or fluoride supplements. Analysis was performed on 401 residents of
fluoridated communities in Connecticut, who were 12-16 years old and
born prior to 1980. The case and control subjects for this study were
selected on the basis of a clinical examination given in 1991. Subject
fluorosis status was determined using the Fluorosis Risk Index. Risk
factor exposure was ascertained via a mailed questionnaire with a resp
onse rate of 89% and a questionnaire reliability of 87%. Logistic regr
ession analyses, which adjusted for confounding variables, revealed th
at mild-to-moderate enamel fluorosis on early forming (Fluorosis Risk
Index (FRI) classification I) enamel surfaces was strongly associated
with both milk-based (odds ratio (OR) = 3.34, 95% confidence interval
(CI) 1.38-8.07) and soy-based (OR = 7.16, 95% CI 1.35-37.89) infant fo
rmula use, as well as with frequent brushing (OR = 2.80, 95% CI 1.15-6
.81). A very strong association was observed with inappropriate fluori
de supplement use (OR = 23.74, 95% CI 3.43-164.30). Respectively simil
ar associations were observed between mild-to-moderate enamel fluorosi
s on later forming (FRI classification II) enamel surfaces and frequen
t brushing and fluoride supplement use, but not with infant formula us