In a retrospective analysis of 202 renal transplant procedures in the
years 1989-1992 we identified an excess of grafts lost from primary re
novascular thrombosis in patients receiving continuous ambulatory peri
toneal dialysis (CAPD) compared to haemodialysis (HD) patients (9 CAPD
versus 0 HD, Chi-squared = 9.63; P<0.01). All graft losses from throm
bosis occurred within 16 days of surgery. Possible predisposing causes
were identified in three patients. Donor age was greater in CAPD pati
ents losing their kidneys from thrombosis compared to the overall CAPD
group [mean (SD) years, 43.0(12.9) versus 29.1(15.8); P = 0.01] where
as no significant difference in haematocrit, platelet count, antibody
status, cyclosporin use, perioperative hypotension, primary diagnosis,
smoking, or diabetes mellitus was found. Data from the EDTA registry
for 1990-91 show that graft loss from primary renovascular thrombosis
in UK-treated patients was reported in 7.1% of CAPD recipients compare
d with 1.8% in haemodialysis. We suggest that CAPD patients are at gre
ater risk of graft loss from renovascular thrombosis than HD patients
and may require more intensive fluid and anticoagulant treatment in th
e perioperative period.