Infrared (IR) spectra do not show changes for hydrated or deuterated R
bNO3 samples, where no hydrogen (deuterated) bondings are formed. Howe
ver, in the presence of the second Al2O3 Phase, a splitting band at th
e high frequency, 1425 cm-1 and a large wavenumber shift from 1380 to
1135 cm-1 are observed for the upsilon3 mode in the hydrated and deute
rated RbNO3-Al2O3 samples. These changes results from the coordination
of H-NO3 and the isotopic effect of H-NO3 and D-NO3 bondings, This is
otopic effect is very similar to that of the H-O and D-O bondings. Fro
m the IR study, it is suggested that the proton conduction in these co
mposite materials is dominated by an interfacial conduction mechanism.