Two hypotheses regarding the negative relationship between sex guilt a
nd contraceptive knowledge were tested. The interference hypothesis ar
gues that sex guilt induces strong negative emotions in response to se
xual stimuli, which interfere with learning. The justification hypothe
sis argues that high guilt persons selectively attend to negative info
rmation about contraception to justify their sexual attitudes and beha
viors. In the present study, high guilt men and women responded to an
erotic stimulation manipulation with larger increases in negative affe
ct than did low guilt subjects. After viewing a presentation on contra
ception, however, high and low guilt subjects displayed equal levels o
f negative affect and equal abilities to learn the information. Furthe
rmore, high guilt subjects did not display biased processing of the in
formation compared to low guilt subjects. Theoretical and empirical im
plications of these data are discussed. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.