Jl. Blank et al., ROLE OF GONADAL-STEROIDS AND INHIBITORY PHOTOPERIOD IN REGULATING BODY-WEIGHT AND FOOD-INTAKE IN DEER MICE (PEROMYSCUS-MANICULATUS), Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 206(4), 1994, pp. 396-403
We investigated the role of declining daylength and gonadal steroids o
n body weight and food intake in male deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatu
s). This species was chosen for study because individual males display
different reproductive responses to inhibitory daylength. About one-t
hird of all mice exposed to short days undergo testicular regression a
nd exhibit reduced circulating levels of luteinizing hormone and testo
sterone (reproductive responsive males). In contrast, testicular funct
ion and circulating levels of both these hormones remain unaffected in
an equal number of mice (reproductive nonresponsive males). Previous
studies have shown that each phenotype exhibits a distinct set of meta
bolic responses to short days, including adjustments in body weight. T
hese characteristics make deer mice a useful animal model in which to
study the interactive effects of gonadal steroids and photoperiod on n
eural substrates regulating body weight. A gonadectomy/steroid replace
ment experimental model was used to test the role of testosterone in r
egulating body weight and food intake in short day-housed male deer mi
ce. Among gonad-intact males, short daylength caused a decline in body
weight in both reproductive responsive and nonresponsive individuals.
However, reproductive responsive mice lost significantly more body we
ight than did nonresponsive mice. Furthermore, while the weight loss w
as accompanied by a significant reduction in food intake in responsive
mice, the relatively minor weight loss in nonresponsive mice was not
accompanied by a change in food intake. Because changes in body weight
and food intake (data not shown) occurred nearly simultaneously durin
g the 8-week exposure to short daylength, results suggest that modific
ations in body weight are not responsible for the decline in food cons
umed, and vice versa. Gonadectomized reproductive responsive mice lost
the same amount of weight as intact responsive mice but ate significa
ntly more food. Among nonresponsive males, gonadectomy led to signific
antly greater weight loss, relative to intact mice, but caused an incr
ease in food intake per gram body weight. Steroid replacement prevente
d weight loss and increased food intake in both gonadal phenotypes. De
spite the observations that food intake was steroid dependent and the
magnitude of the effect differed between reproductive phenotypes, chan
ges in food consumption do not fully explain the inhibitory effects of
short days on body weight in either phenotype. Taken together with pr
evious studies, these results suggest that reproductive quiescence con
fers significant metabolic benefits to individual deer mice by reducin
g the amount of daily energy requirements via a reduction in body weig
ht. Conversely, maintenance of reproductive function during the nonbre
eding winter season carries greater metabolic costs; these costs lead
to increased amounts of food required to maintain body weight.