A chemical kinetic mechanism for the atmospheric chemistry of inorgani
c mercury has been developed. Computer simulations conducted with this
mechanism suggest that the half-life of elemental mercury could be of
the order of hours for reaction with Cl-2 in a nocturnal marine layer
and for reactions with oxidants such as H2O2 in the ambient atmospher
e. However, large uncertainties exist in the gasphase reaction rates o
f Hg(0) with Cl-2, O3, and H2O2, and the overall half-life of Hg(0) du
e to chemical reactions in the atmosphere cannot be assessed with cert
ainty without further laboratory kinetic data. In the presence of an a
tmospheric liquid phase, oxidation and reduction reactions lead toward
an equilibrium between Hg(0) and Hg(II). This equilibrium is a strong
function of pH, liquid water content, and concentrations of SO2 and H
Cl. Under most simulation conditions, Hg(0) concentrations exceed Hg(I
I) concentrations by at least 1 order of magnitude, which is consisten
t with observations.