Economic impact studies of three rural interventions (Farm clinic-FC,
Dharmastala Rural Development Project-SKDRDP, and IRDP) and their comb
inations were undertaken. Study revealed that the number of schemes wh
ich failed to generate any income was maximum under IRDP. Though crop
loans under FC did not seem to have any appreciable impact incomewise,
results of minor irrigation projects were quite encouraging under all
packages. The SKDRDP was observed to have comparatively 'the best' su
stainable packages incomewise (combination of minor irrigation, land l
evelling, plantation cultivation etc.,). However, schemes such as ''Da
iry'' under IRDP and ''draft animals'' under F.C. were observed to be
negative in their economics. Shift of beneficiaries from the lower inc
ome groups to higher brackets was maximum under SKDRDP with least reve
rsals. FC recorded minimum shifts with reversals, IRDP falling in betw
een. SKDRDP's intervention had brought about maximum variation individ
ually or in combination with regard to the ''sourcewise income variati
on'', FC registering negative growth and IRDP falling in between. Depe
ndence on agricultural wage was more under FC schemes and least under
SKDRDP. As IRDP could not provide sufficient employment through its pa
ckages, wage dependence was more. It was clear from the study that the
approach of an NGO with regard to the identification of the problem,
designing of sustainable packages and proper implementation, meticulou
s follow-up etc. were responsible for the marked economic upliftment o
f the small farmers.