Rats were submitted to paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD) for 24, 72,
or 96 h and were trained on a double aversively motivated task, encom
passing a step-through inhibitory avoidance and a classical conditioni
ng of fear to a brief tone serving as conditional stimulus. Retention
test of the inhibitory avoidance was performed at the same apparatus o
f training (without tone presentation). Retention of conditioned fear
was assessed in an open field apparatus, where the freezing reaction t
o the tone was measured. PSD for 24 and 72 h preceding the training se
ssion had no effect on either task. However, PSD during the 96 h prece
ding the training session impaired acquisition of inhibitory avoidance
, but had no effect on classically conditioned fear. It is concluded t
hat PSD had differential effects on the two tasks, both aversively mot
ivated and trained at the same time and conditions.