In 1964, Kundig, Ghosh and Roseman reported the discovery of the phosp
hoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS). Thirty years lat
er, we find that the PTS functions not only as a sugar-phosphorylating
system, but also as a complex protein kinase system that regulates a
wide variety of metabolic processes and controls the expression of num
erous genes. As a result of recent operon- and genome-sequencing proje
cts, novel PTS protein-encoding genes have been discovered, most of wh
ich have yet to be functionally defined. Some of them appear to be inv
olved in cellular processes distinct from those recognized previously.
Fundamental aspects of past and current PTS research are briefly revi
ewed, and recent advances are integrated into conceptual pictures that
provide guides for future research.