Protective packaging forms an important integral part in the materials
handling process of ensuring that goods are transferred 'safely' from
the source to the point of use. This paper focuses on the 'procedural
' design practices for protective packaging which are predominantly ma
nual and involves the use of implicit design rules, and is therefore a
menable to design automation efforts. PROPACK, a protective packaging
CAD software program for expanded styropor material has been developed
by coupling various existing commercial software packages for draftin
g, analysis, database management, and knowledge based problem solving
and consultation. In so doing, it exploits the well-proven and stable
features of these tools for the different activities and stages of des
ign. The coupling of the various packages to form an integrated system
is achieved either by the creation of task specific interfaces betwee
n packages, or by making use of existing interfaces provided in some o
f these packages. The relative merits of adopting this approach are al
so discussed.