Stairs are among the most hazardous features of the everyday environme
nt, yet stairway falls have received little research attention. A stra
tified random sample of Austrian residents was surveyed in person in 1
989. Of over 55,000 respondents, 147 reported a stairway injury in the
previous year that limited activity for at least one day. Thirty-seve
n percent of these injuries resulted in hospitalization. Extrapolating
to the entire country of 8 million people, each year some 20,000 Aust
rians sustain serious stairway injuries resulting in over 7,500 hospit
alizations. The incidence of stairway injury increases monotonically w
ith age, and females are more at risk than males. The stereotypical st
airway injury victim is an elderly woman, not highly educated, who is
unmarried and living alone.