We have measured the spectra of H and He isotopes during the 1987 sola
r minimum with the cosmic-ray detector system (CRS) on the Voyager 2 s
pacecraft. By carrying out the measurement near solar minimum and at l
arge heliospheric distances, the effects of solar modulation were redu
ced. In particular, the adiabatic energy losses were smaller, and thes
e results from 23 AU over the solar minimum period of cycle 21 represe
nt observations at energies not accessible from previous measurements
near 1 AU. The modulated spectra with the diffusion coefficient consta
nt k(0) = 3.15 x 10(22) cm(2) s(-1) (which corresponds to a solar modu
lation parameter of 360 MV at 23 AU and 500 MV at 1 AU) agree well wit
h both our data at 23 AU and the previous solar minimum measurements a
t 1 AU. The measured H-1 and H-2 spectra are both consistent with the
calculated spectra, using standard Galactic and heliospheric propagati
on models without invoking an anomalous hydrogen component. With the f
ixed modulation parameter of 360 MV, the mean pathlengths, source spec
tra, and cross sections were varied to study the effects of different
input parameters on the spectra and relative abundances. At this stage
of our work, we have not found any strong evidence from the low-energ
y H-2 and He-3 data that H-1 and He-4 should have a different propagat
ion history, or different types of source spectra from the heavier cos
mic-ray nuclei.